Tuesday 28 June 2011

Hard to Keep Up

Still finding it hard to keep up with all the gardening and house work that needs to be done. I need to hoe the two ground gardens (shed and west side), mow the lawn, continually prune the grapes (NO Grapes, you may not grow into the trees and the neighbours yard). Every night when I come home from work, I make myself dinner, rest for a bit, then go out and water the garden-and because I don't like my garden hose, that means water with my watering can-, then come in, maybe get in some house cleaning and off to bed. On the bright side though, my strawberries are starting to pinken up, the peonies have bloomed BEAUTIFULLY and I found a pea sized roma tomato in my tomato garden while watering, which made my day. Thankfully, I have Friday off, so my to do list will get done! Thanks for baring with the lack of posts. Still getting into the hang of having a full time job.

Happy Homesteading!!

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