Friday 17 June 2011

Exciting New Books!

I love books! Since I have been young, I have loved reading. When I was in elementary school, I had a reading level 6 grade levels higher than the grade I was actually in. But now as an adult, I had to buy my own books, and books are expensive. That and they are kind of a waste of trees. If you are only going to read a book once, then never read it again, better to just get an electronic books (ebook) like from Kobo books. If by chance this will be a book you will use more than once, I say get the hand copy. I recently got a gift card for Indigo (Thanks Bella Vida Horse Stables) for $50. So I went and got the books I had been pining for over a year. The first book is Vegetables, Herbs and Fruits; An illustrated encyclopedia (Biggs, McVicar, Flowerdew) and Preserve It! Bottled fruits, jams & jellies, pickles and cured meats (Brown). The V, H & F book is great because it instructs you on the types of plants you can grow, the variations of them, how to grow them, harvesting and a couple of interesting recipes. I'm excited because now I know how to harvest poppy pods for poppy seeds. Preserve It! is a pretty good book. Even though it wasn't the most informative canning book, I picked it because I am a visual learner and it had pictures. I am growing green beans in my garden for the winter and I was a little concerned on how I was going to preserve them for the winter. Well, I was considering canning them but I don't have a pressure cooker. Well, Preserve It! has an easy 'recipe' for freezing them! There will be more of these books mentioned in future posts as I have a feeling they will be very handy.

Happy Homesteading!!!

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